Sensational Park and Soul Bike Tour

Informazioni generali

New York, Stati Uniti

Il programma nel dettaglio

This tour begins on the Upper East Side of Manhattan, where we’ll encounter the extravagant Plaza Hotel--temporary and semi-permanent lodging for New York’s wealthiest visitors and residents (including the famous children’s book character, Eloise!).

A short ride away is magnificent Central Park, which never fails to amaze with its natural beauty (all man-made!). As we travel through the park, we’ll visit Strawberry Fields for a Beatles sing-along and explore various other sites rarely seen by tourists, including the only “beach” in Manhattan, a 3500-year-old obelisk, an $18-million lawn, and much, much more.

On to Harlem, one of the most important places for black history in America. Here, we attend part of an authentic Sunday morning gospel service! Other highlights include a poetry reading outside what was once the home of Langston Hughes, and a visit to a former synagogue that is now a major Black church.

This fun, full-day tour takes about 5 hours, including various stops near all of the essential attractions. Stop include:

▪ Gospel church service in Harlem

▪ Soul food lunch (food cost not included)

▪ The Apollo Theater

▪ Central Park, including:

▪ Strawberry Fields/John Lennon Memorial

▪ The Great Lawn

▪ Hidden spots of Central Park

This moderately paced tour is perfect for riders of any skill level.

