Flotation Tank

Informazioni generali

Bruxelles, Belgio

Il programma nel dettaglio

Sea of clouds is neither a hammam, nor a jacuzzi, nor a spa, it is a unique place where you will experience an introspective journey that aims to make you float. Flotation consists of staying 1 hour in a pool heated to body temperature, in magnesium-laden water that carries you, supports you and makes you float (denser than the Dead Sea). In this place, far from the hyperstimulation of your daily life, your body and especially your mind relax and let go.

Since this experience is new and uncommon, it can be disconcerting the first time and the transition between your daily life and this cocoon of well-being must be accompanied. That's why at Sea of Clouds, you don't just come to float, we have divided the session into 3 zones designed to accompany you and prepare you to live this experience:

Espace Earth: our reception area where you can come before or stay after your session to read, meditate, taste your herbal tea;

Espace Sky: our sensory experience room that evolves over time and according to your desires where you will stay for about 15 minutes to cut yourself off from your daily routine and prepare for the final flotation zone.

Espace Clouds: our floatation area is composed of two uniquely decorated pools located in two separate, entirely private rooms.

Duo session: In this session you have access to our 3 spaces (Earth where you can stay after your session to read, meditate, taste your herbal tea; Sky our sensory experience room where you will stay about 10 minutes before your float and Clouds one of our floatation rooms where you will float for about 1 hour).

This formula is customizable according to your tastes and desires (sound and light ambiance). Two of you will be together to live the Sky experience and then float each in your own bubble! After your floatation session, you will also enjoy a shower with essential oils and your choice of fragrance.