Spikder Monkey Zip LIne


Informazioni generali

Guanacaste, Costa Rica

Il programma nel dettaglio

This Zip Line Tour has 11 cables and as a safety measure we will use double pulleys with 2 security lines, on the fast cables we will also use speed brakes, all the equipment is of the greatest quality for your safety. The tour, depending on the amount of people, can take between 1 and 2.5 hours.

During the tour we can typically see three out of the 4 species of monkeys in the country; these are the Howler Monkey (Congos), Spider Monkey (Mono Colorado or Mono Araña) and the little famous White-Face Capuchin Monkey (Mono Cara blanca). Exuberant vegetation will be along with a great view to the Salinas Bay that holds the absolute natural reserve of Bolaños Island.

