Mudanya & Tirilye Tour


Informazioni generali

Bursa, Turchia

Il programma nel dettaglio

An opportunity to enjoy an evening on the southern shores of the Marmara Sea, some 30km from Bursa and also to explore the historical buildings of the ancient city of Tirilye.

Inhabited since the 5th century BC, Tirilye boomed when demand for the products from the Southern Marmara area increased during ancient times. The city’s most important remaining historical structure is the Byzantine Haghioi Theodoroi Church, known as Fatih Mosque today. Important as a religious centre for Greek Orthodox Christians, the area is now protected as an important historical site and is considered an open-air museum due to its’ many Byzantine and Ottoman monuments which includes old Greek houses dating from the end of the 19th century. The area is also famous for its’ production of olives.

Mudanya is a commercial and residential town situated 12 km east along the Marmara coast from Tirilye with fish restaurants along the sea front.