Tamsui and Yehliu Geopark tour - private

Informazioni generali

Taipei, Taiwan

Il programma nel dettaglio

Tamsui is surrounded by mountains and rivers. Hongmao Castle is a historical site in Tamsui with historical meaning. It was built by the Spaniards in 1626 and restored by Dutch.

Yehliu National Geo Park

Yehliu lies in one of the most remarkable geological coastal areas in northern Taiwan, and is well-known for its rocky promontory overlooking the bay.

Fort San Domingo

This is Danshui's most prominent monument to foreign involvement in Taiwan. First built in 1629 by the Spanish and was captured by the Dutch in 1642. It is known as the "Hongmao Castle" in reference to the colorful locks of its Dutch occupants.

Danshui old street and local delicious food

Walking on the old streets along the riverbank, visitors may view the old buildings and may try the tasty local dishes, such as fish dumplings, Agei (fried meat pastry) and hard eggs, etc.

Danshui Fishermen's Wharf

There are magnificent floating piers and a spacious park, with a bridge in the shape of a boat spanning across the harbor and a wooden path stretching over 300 meters at the waterfront.

Meeting/pick-up point: Pick up at the hotel.

Duration: Nine hours.

Start/opening time: At 9am.

Languages: English.